Please join us for the November RWC Meeting! We're wrapping PJ's for charity and voting on the city gift. Read on for details....
RWC is November 27th at 7:00pm at the home of Carolyn Horne - 4828 Timberline Drive. Please remember to bring PJs to wrap! (new only, pj's sizes 0-16, no flannel, no "mommy loves me," etc, no scary images) Feel free to bring solid color wrapping paper if you like. And if you are unable to make the meeting, there is a collection box at city hall for PJs or you can leave them at Carolyn's house.
Also, we will be voting on our monetary gift to the city. This year, we have one request from Barry Bone that we fund a portion of the new landscaping design for city hall. We will have more specifics at the meeting but it will make our voting easy!! Please note the brief review of parliamentarian procedure below for the meeting. Melissa Morrow will be there to help keep the meeting in order - thanks Melissa!
At the November Rollingwood Women’s Club meeting we will be presenting and voting on the projects we would like to fund for the coming year. We will use basic parliamentary procedure to structure our vote and discussion.
The fundamental concepts of parliamentary procedure are courtesy to all, one item at a time, majority rule, and respect for the rights of the minority.
All members are eligible for making motions and to vote on motions.
The essentials of making a motion go like this:
- At the appropriate time the member
requests to be recognized by the President.
- President recognizes the member.
- Member makes a motion.
- Motion is seconded.
- President recognizes members to
discuss the motion: Discussion/ Debate
- Possible amendments to the motion
are made.
- President restates amendment/s and
asks for a vote on the amendment/s.
- Amendment/s Pass, Amendment/s Fail
- President restates the motion and
asks for a vote on the motion
- Motion passes/ Motion Fails