Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Rollingwood Women’s Club   EIN 83-0417750
Rollingwood Women’s Club By-Laws

This organization shall be known as the Rollingwood Women’s Club.  We are a 501 c (3) organization as of 2005.

The purpose of this club shall be to promote the welfare of the residents of Rollingwood, to encourage the beautification of the city, and to work with the mayor and city council on projects benefiting the City of Rollingwood.  These projects shall be determined by a quorum vote at a regularly scheduled meeting.

All adult female residents of Rollingwood and the adjacent areas bounded by Peak Road, Sugar Creek Drive, and Stratford Drive are eligible for membership.

The officers of this club shall be the President, Vice-President of Membership, Vice-President of Hospitality, Vice- President of Programs, Recording Secretary,  and Treasurer.  The Historian and Parliamentarian shall be appointed.

The Rollingwood Women’s Club shall meet the fourth Tuesday of each month September through May in the homes of members unless otherwise arranged.

No less than fifteen members present at a regularly scheduled meeting shall constitute a quorum. If a quorum is not available at a meeting, items requiring a vote must be presented at the next regularly scheduled meeting.

The President shall appoint a Nominating Committee of three members to serve for a year, one of which shall be the immediate Past President of the Rollingwood Women’s Club.  This committee shall present a slate of officers for the next year at the April meeting.  It shall also be their duty to fill a vacancy that occurs during the year of any of the officers other than that of the President, which should be filled by the Vice-President of Programs.  Installation of new officers shall take place at the last regular meeting of the year.

The amount of per member dues for the coming year shall be voted upon at the April meeting.  August 1 is the beginning of the fiscal year.

Amendments to these by-laws may be made by a quorum vote (no less than fifteen) of the members present and voting at a meeting.  Proposed amendments must be presented in writing one meeting prior to the vote.

The following officers make up the Executive Committee- President, Vice President of Programs, Vice President of Membership, Vice President of Hospitality, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, Historian, Parliamentarian

Duties of the officers -

The President shall 
Preside at all meetings of the club
Have basic knowledge of parliamentary law and the organization’s by-laws
Appoint such committees as are needed
Appoint a Historian and Parliamentarian

The Vice President of Programs shall
Preside in the absence of the President
Have primary responsibility for program planning
Arrange houses or other meeting locations

The Vice President of Membership shall
Preside in the absence of the President and the Vice-President of Programs
Serve as membership chairwoman
Contact new residents to introduce them to the RWC
Collect checks for membership dues and process to treasurer with deposit slip and total collected

The Vice Present of Hospitality shall
Preside in absence of the President, Vice-President of Programs, Vice-President of Membership
Serve as hostess chairwoman
Arrange meeting places for club events
Find co-hostesses for meetings as needed

The Recording Secretary shall
Keep the minutes of all regular club meetings

The Treasurer shall
Collect all funds, holding and disbursing at the direction of the President
Make no payment in excess of $200 without the approval of the President
Make no payments in excess of $200, but less than $500, without permission of the Executive Board

The Historian shall
Keep a permanent record of club events, including news stories and photographs.

The Parliamentarian shall
Act in an advisory capacity to the President regarding Roberts Rules of Order

All officers shall provide a brief written account of their activities for the year as a guide to their successors.

Amended October 28, 2014
Speakers for the October 28, 2014 RWC Meeting,
“Neighbors Helping Neighbors”

Krista Dillard of Open Space Commercial can be reached at

Melissa Morrow asked members for a new chairperson for the 5k. She can be reached at

Allison Queralt spoke about her son’s non-profit, “Duffel Dudes.” She can be reached at

Sara Hutson, City Council member, called for volunteers for Park Commission, which has two openings and the Utility Commission, which has four openings. For information call City Hall at (512) 328-1900.

Becky Kittleman, Photographer, can be reached at

Terra Weske, Esthetician at 512 Skincare can be reached at

Linda Metrick spoke about RWC Book Club. She can be reached at

Wendi Hundley, local coordinator of can be reached at

Laila Scott of Pop-up Birthday can be reached at

Sandra Farrell discussed her painting and the progression of her art.  She is also a skin care consultant for Arbonne Skin Care. She can be contacted at 512-327-1604. 

Heather Jichi of Bloom Toys can be reached at her Facebook Page

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Members Helping Members Meeting October 28th

Please join RWC and our official Historian Shanthi Jayakumar talk about the history of the Rollingwood Women’s Club, what it’s mission is and how it is changing as our neighborhood grows.  Afterwards, members will share their professional and personal stories.  This is a major networking event and a great opportunity to support our neighbors.  

The meeting location is still being determined, so if you know of an available home please let a board member know.  
RWC Meeting Schedule

October 28th  Brief overview of RWC & members helping members segment
Hosted TBA

November 18th Charity Drive - Austin Diaper Bank founder Betsy Hamilton & RWC nominations and voting of funds
Hosted by Karen Hughes
2 Brett Cove

December 13th  Holiday Party
Hosted by Leslie & Rob Gandy
2402 Vance Lane

January 27th  Chocolaterie Tessa 
Hosted by Nicole Julian
5002  Jeffery Pl.

February 24th   Thinkery Tour
1830 Simond Ave. 

March 24th  Child Safety
Hosted by Henly Sims
2809 Rock Way  

April 21st  Image Colorist & Stylist Jean LeFebvre
Host TBA

May 18th  End of Year Party
Rollingwood Pool