Monday, December 19, 2016

November 15, 2016 Meeting Notes

RWC Meeting
November 15, 2016
At the Home of Aimee Petty at 2606 Pickwick

President Marissa Mireur called the meeting to order. Thirty-five members were present. She welcomed three new members Kim McManus on Pleasant Drive, Eliza Hansen on Park Hills and Jennifer DiGaetano on Los Lomas Drive. 

At the start of the meeting, Nicole Julian, Treasurer reported $28,189.06 in our account. However, it is noted that $2,000 of the money has been set aside for last year’s disbursement for the new chairs at City Hall.

The Executive Director of the Jeremiah Program, Shannon Moody and Laura Bennet spoke about their new residence that is slated to open in the new year. The Jeremiah Program is open to low-income single moms with kids younger then 4 with no college degree that want pursue college degrees. The Program will provide affordable housing, educational support and high quality pre-school for 35 families. They noted that they were looking for volunteers to help with meal prep on Mondays and Wednesday and to help with babies during the resident’s bi-weekly empowerment class. Interested members can contact the Jeremiah Program. 

Next up is the nomination of Leslie Gandy for Hospitality Chair. Marnie Fitzgerald seconds. The motion passes. 

Membership Chair Bunny Michele reported that RWC has 95 paid members. Marissa congratulates RWC member Roxanne McKee on her new position as Rollingwood mayor.

Next on the agenda is voting on the disbursement of funds. Marissa reminds applicants to bring their requests ahead of time next year so members have time to get familiar with the asks. Also, this year there will be no more earmarked items; all proposals must to be able to be completed by June 30th or the funds will return to the RWC’s account. Marissa also requests a white board for next year to keep track of everything. In old business, Leah Paulo will be spearheading Little Library at the park that we allocated $500 for in the 2015 and dedicating it in honor of Joyce Howell. We also will keep $5,000 in the bank for operating expenses which leaves us with around $21,000 to disburse.  

Becky Combes thanked RWC on behalf of the garden for gifts in the past. 

  1. Shanthi Jayakumar asks for $1,000 to upgrade our 10 year old PA system, Heidi Smith seconds the motion. Motion passes. 
  2. Toni Hudson asked for $750 for bike racks for the parks. However, there is interest in larger and more unique bike racks. Flo Macklin has made a motion to approve up to $3,000 for the bike racks and recycling can $1,402.60 for Rollingwood Park. Lawton Cummings seconds. Motion passes. 
  3. Robin at City Hall asks through Marissa for $3,000 to paint City Hall’s interior. Its noted that it inside has not been painted since 1975. She also asks for an additional $1,000 for more chairs on top of the $3,000 from last year’s allocation. Toni Hudson makes a motion to allocate funds and Sara Hutson seconds it, but the motion does not pass. 
  4. Shanthi Jayakumar on behalf of Sandra Farrell asks for edging and new mulch around the fitness equipment. Estimates to complete the project range from $3,000-$5,000.  No motion is made. 
  5. Mayor Roxanne McKee updates members about construction on the cliff face over the lower park, which has been closed after loose boulders fell near the toddler playscape. She tells members that the cliff is on a fault line and that due to water run off from from the park and the baseball fields that pieces are breaking off. Currently, a construction crew is out putting a 100 retaining wall on the cliff face, which is costing the city $91,000. This 100ft wall does not include area behind swings and pavilion, and the city wants to extend project another 15ft. Mayor McKee asks members for the $16,000 to extend the wall to 120ft to go behind the swings and pavilion. Flo Macklin makes a motion to allocated $16,000 for the retaining wall and Joan Parker seconds it. Motion passes with the caveat that RCDC may reimburse RWC for the funds in February. 
  6. Wendi Hundley updated members on the Master Park Plan from Park Commission, which has not been updated since 2003. The Park Commission is compiling an inventory and wish list for the park and has had a meeting with WHAC board, the Little League Board that uses the baseball fields as well as other stake holders. There will be a community meeting in February, following a neighborhood survey in January. Issues on the table include irrigation and erosion control for upper park, invasive species removal and dead trees, getting ADA accreditation for the playgrounds, water feature, more trees in upper park. They also hope to  increase parking space as well as adding art to the park. There are no asks this year, but she let members know to look out for BIG asks in 2017.

Minutes Submitted by Kelly Dixon
Minutes Approved by Marissa Mireur

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Meeting Minutes Oct 25, 2016

Rollingwood Woman’s Club Minutes
October 25, 2017

At the home of Kathi Seiders at 2505 Bettis.

President Marissa Mireur calls the meeting to order and gives the treasurer’s report for
Treasurer Nicole Julian who is absent. RWC has $28,189.06 in our bank account.

Next Marissa updates members on new proposed board position of Event Chair. The Event Chair would oversee the 4k and Fourth of July chairs. After speaking with Parliamentarian Melissa Morrow, it is recommended that the new position be tested as tad hoc role for once year. In that year, the new Event Chair would have no board voting privileges, but would attend board meetings. Catherine Scott makes a motion to nominate Rosanne Ferraro as Event Chair.  Amy Rung seconds. Motion passes. All members are in favor of the motion.

Member Cindy Reed makes an announcement that she five years breast cancer free and encourages members to get mammograms.

Member Barbara Legere talks about picking a photographer and how to take good photos with your iPhone.

Next are proposals for the Disbursement of Funds, which will be voted on in November.  Marissa reminds members that all projects that receive funds need to be completed by end of fiscal year in July 2017, or the money will be returned to RWC. 

Member Shanthi Jayakumar proposes investing in a PA System for use at 4th of July, or upgrading existing system so people in the back can hear. Members note that our current system is about 10 years old.

Member Toni Hutson from Parks Commission makes two requests. The first one is for $750 to put two bike racks in park, one in the upper park and one in the lower park.  The cost breaks down as follows; $250 for racks $250 for freight $250 for installation. Each will hold 5 bikes for 10 bikes total.

The second request is for $1402.60 for recycling cans for park, one to be placed the upper park and one inn the lower park. Marissa noted that we could increase that ask to four cans.

Marilyn announced City of Rollingwood collection for one stone bench in memory of Joyce Howell. Look for a flyer with more information in the water bill.

Marissa noted that we still are in need of a hospitality chair.

Next meeting is Nov 15 at Aimee Petty’s house at 2502 Pickwick Lane. The November, RWC will collect donation in support of Jeremiah Program.  We will be asking for donations of household products such as We'll be looking for household products such as kitchen towels, household cleaners including laundry and dish detergent as well as non-gender specific toys for preschool kids. Each box will value $250.

Minutes Submitted by Secretary Kelly Dixon

Minutes Approved by Marissa Mireur

Monday, May 2, 2016

Photos from April 26th Meeting

Rollingwood Women’s Club Meeting April 26, 2016, Featuring Amy Ford of New York Life addressing Women in Insurance.

Rollingwood Women’s Club Meeting April 26, 2016, Featuring Amy Ford of New York Life addressing Women in Insurance.
At the Home of Nicole Leonard at 5002 Jeffery Place.

The meeting began with a presentation of by Amy Ford of New York Life. Amy is an Insurance Broker and encouraged members to think about Long Term Care Insurance. Amy was introduced by Debbie Holley of Brookdale Senior Living. Wine and snacks were provided by the speakers. 

President Marissa Miraur called the meeting to order. The next meeting will be the final one of the season and is Monday, May 9 at the Rollingwood Pool. This will end the current term for board members. All RWC members interested in board level positions are encouraged to apply. The Hospitality Position (currently occupied by Marnie Fitzgerald) in particular is open.

Next up, members congratulated Roseann Ferraro for her amazing coordination of the Life Is Good in the Wood 5k! The race raised around $14,500 minus costs. All together, there were  $7,350 from sponsors, $1,200 from family sponsors, $500 from food, $100 from Amy’s Ice Cream and roughly $6,000 in registrations. However, Marissa addressed the complexities of fund raising in sponsorship. The 5k has become so successful that some members recommend that a new board position should be created. The proposed position would be called the Fund Raising Chair and would specifically be responsible for organizing permitting for the Fourth of July Parade and 5k. Regular members would continue to operate each event independently. The Bylaws would need to be amended to create this new position, which will most likely happen at the first Fall meeting.

Next Marissa and Becky Combs spoke on behalf of the Rollingwood Community Garden, who is in need a new coordinator.  Current and long-time coordinator Roni Verokolt will be moving out of the neighborhood. They are looking for members with young children in particular to take the reins.

Shanthi Jayakumar and Flo Macklin reminded members to submit their house histories for the albums.

The meeting was adjourned.

Minutes Submitted by Kelly Dixon

Approved by Marissa Miraur

Monday, April 11, 2016

RWC Meeting March 22, 2016, Featuring Marie Saba of Cocina Marie

RWC Meeting March 22, 2016, Featuring Marie Saba of Cocina Marie
At the home of Shelly Bain at 400 Vale Street

Hospitality Chair Marnie Fitzgerald called the meeting order for President Marissa Mireur, who would join the meeting later. She welcomed new member, Anne Herrington to RWC.

The first announcement was a call for new officers for the 2016-2017 year.  The new term begins in August. Secretary Kelly Dixon reviews the minutes from the January 19th meeting and directs members to the RWC website where the minutes are posted. A motion is made by Bunny Michel to approve the minutes and Joanne Parker seconds.

The Chairperson for the Rollingwood 5k, Roseann Ferraro, updated members on her the race and passed a clipboard for volunteers. In preparation for the race, she highlighted several ways to help.
1. Repairing directional signage: the course signage took a hit last year in the rain – she needs kids or members cut out some construction paper arrows and glue them to foam core.
2. Delivering Postcards: members are needed to tape postcards on the outside of mailboxes along the race route.
3. Posters: hanging posters/flyers in local businesses on their public bulletin boards.
4. Picking up sponsor materials: picking up checks, race bag marketing materials, prizes from our locals sponsors and delivering them to Roseann.

Anyone looking to volunteer, contact Roseann at

She introduced "Family Sponsorships" in addition to our corporate sponsorships. All donations support Rollingwood's parks and public areas and anyone who donates $100 or more will have their name displayed on the "Friends and Families of Rollingwood" banner in the park. Donations will be accepted through the registration process or through

 To register or donate, please visit the Life is Good in the Wood 5K website and click on "Register Here": Rosanne strongly encouraged members to register online before the race.

Next up, Shanthi Jayakumar brought the photo albums of the neighborhood that she and Flo Macklin have been updating. She reminded members of how much the neighbhorhood has changed and that they updated 40 new homes last week alone. She passed around small forms and requested that members to fill out information about their homes, including former owners, square footage, purchase price. The information will be kept in a photograph behind the picture. She emphasized that the information will not be shared, but was for historical purposes only.

Roxanne McKee updated members on the Law Enforcement Appreciation Day which will be held Saturday, April 9. She passed a clipboard around where memebrs could add their names if they were interested in displaying a blue ribbon on their mail box in support of Rollingwood Police Department.

Sandra Farrell encouraged members to stop by City Hall to see a sample of the new chairs that City Hall is planning to purchase from the money that RWC donated in 2015. They are choosing between a blue or black chair.

Finally, Marie Saba of Cooking With Marie gave a demonstration of her favorite sauces including Texas Chimichurri, Lemon Dill Sauce, Cilantro Lime Sauce and of her famous Coconut Macaroons. Memebers sampled the dips with chips and vegetables. Recipes included below.

Texas Chimichurri
        1 cup flat-leaf parsley leaves, packed
       1 cup cilantro leaves, packed
       1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil
       1-3 Tablespoons white balsamic vinegar (or red wine vinegar)
       1 small clove garlic, peeled
       Salt and pepper, to taste
       Pinch of dried red pepper flakes, if desired
Place all ingredients into the jar of a blender or food-processor. Blend until herbs and garlic are finely chopped, and mixture is well-combined.
Transfer to bowl. Let marinate at room temperature for at least 30 minutes. Serve!

Coconut Macaroons
       1 14-ounce bag (5 1/3 cups) sweetened shredded coconut
       1/2 cup sweetened condensed milk
       2 Tablespoons Greek yogurt
       1 Tablespoon heavy cream
       1 teaspoon vanilla bean paste (or vanilla extract)

Line baking sheet with parchment paper.
In a medium bowl, mix all of the ingredients until well-combined. The dough will be very sticky, so wet your hands with a little water before shaping the dough into balls. Using your hands, shape the dough into balls and place on parchment-lined baking sheet, about 2 inches apart.
Bake at 325 for 15-20 minutes. Cool thoroughly. Decorate with melted dark chocolate or candy melts, if desired. Serve!

Easy Basil Pesto
       1 cup packed fresh basil leaves
       ¼ cup pine nuts or walnuts
       ¼ cup shredded Parmesan cheese
       2 large cloves garlic
       2/3 cup extra-virgin olive oil
       ½ teaspoon Kosher salt

Place basil, nuts, cheese, and garlic in the bowl of a food processor. Add oil. Add salt. Blend until thoroughly combined.
Transfer to a serving dish and serve at room temperature.

Best Ever Cilantro Lime Sauce
       1 cup Hellmann's mayonnaise
       1 cup Greek yogurt
       1 cup cilantro (some stems are okay)
       Juice of 2 limes
       Pinch of salt (or to taste)

Place all ingredients in the bowl of a food processor. Blend until cilantro is thoroughly chopped and all ingredients are well combined.
Taste; add additional lime juice or salt as desired. Serve with everything.

Lemon Dill Sauce
    1 cup Greek yogurt
    ½ cup Hellmann’s mayonnaise
    2 Tablespoons chopped fresh dill (some stems are okay)
    Juice of 1-2 lemons
Pinch of salt (or to taste)

Place all ingredients into a bowl. Mix until well combined. Transfer to bowl. Serve!

Minutes Submitted by Kelly Dixon

Approved by Marissa Mireur