Monday, February 29, 2016

Updated 5k Info

The registration for the Life is Good in the Wood 5K 2016 is officially open! Please visit the Life is Good in the Wood 5K website and click on "Register Here":

And this year we are pleased to announce we are offering "Family Sponsorships" in addition to our corporate sponsorships. All donations support Rollingwood's parks and public areas and anyone who donates $100 or more will have their name displayed on the "Friends and Families of Rollingwood" banner in the park. 
There are 2 ways to become a "Family Sponsor"
1) During the registration process there will be a "Donation" option and you can write in any amount you wish to donate. You will receive 2 receipts from registration- one for your race registration and one for the donation amount which you can use for your taxes. 
2) Visit our fundraising page: and make a direct donation. There is a processing fee for donations made here, however you have the option to wave it during payment but clicking on the "edit" link next to the fee. 

Thank you all for your continued support of the Rollingwood community!

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Photos from the special meeting at Brookdale February 11, 2016.

Photos from the special meeting at Brookdale February 11, 2016. Pictures courtesy of Shanthi Jayakumar, of course!

Debbie Holley Marketing Coordinator with Presenter Juli Engel

Granola, fruit and yogurt.

      Catherine Scott and Becky Combs with fruit and breakfast pastry trays in the back.

  Club members absorbed in the presentation.

          (L-R) Melissa Nix ( Marketing Director), Flo Macklin, Juli Engel ( Presenter), Becky Combs and Debbie Holley ( Marketing Coordinator)

Monday, February 8, 2016

RWC Meeting Minutes January 19, 2016

RWC Meeting Minutes January 19, 2016 
Status of the City Meeting Featuring Chief Dayne Pryor and Mayor Thom Farrell.

Chief Pryor spoke about recent efforts between Rollingwood and the City of Austin to increase surveillance of the Zilker Park Nature Trails that abut Rollingwood. He also addressed traffic control on Rollingwood Drive and other high traffic streets, saying that the addition of bike lanes would be the most effective way to reduce speed. He also commended the Police Force’s efforts on traffic control during the ACL Festival and was very pleased with how smoothly the weekends went.

Mayor Farrell updated members on efforts to control traffic during the upcoming Bee Cave’s Road renovations.  He expects to work closely with the City of Westlake Hills and Westlake during the renovation. He also updated members on the improvements planned for the low water bridge at Edgegrove Drive.

President Marissa Miraur called the business portion of the meeting to order. In old business, the board neglected to vote on funds for Christmas Gifts for the City at the last meeting. Per the bylaws, the President and Treasurer Nicole Leonard issued $500 in funds to cover the gifs, which were purchased by Kelly Dixon. Catherine Scott made a motion to retroactively approve the funds and Marnie Fitzgerald seconds. President Mireur also noted that the Christmas gift to the city employees, which was a Juice Land smoothie cup filled with a gift certificate and small healthy snacks was greatly appreciated.

President Mireur read the Treasurer’s report for the absent Nicole Leonard. The RWC currently $22,399.49 in it’s account. The next meeting will be February 23rd at Gabby Wertheimer’s house at 3202 Gentry Dr. It will be a social meeting and a potluck with no agenda.

In new business, there were several announcements. Laila Scott made an announcement on behalf of Jamie Medina, President of the  Rollingwood Neighborhood Association. The next RNA meeting will Wednesday, Feb 10 at City Hall at 7:00pm. The RNA sponsors the annual Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday March 26th and is looking for a chair for the event. She noted that the RNA is open to all men and women who live in Rollingwood. Members also discussed the role of Rollingwood Gentleman’s Club, which has been acting as a largely social group, but RWC could perhaps utilize their members for large parties like Fourth of July.

Programs Director Catherine Scott noted an additional event on Thursday Feb 11 at 10am, sponsored by Brookdale Senior Living. This exclusive informational session will feature a tour of their facilities and a lecture on longevity and will take place at their facility. Please check your email for a paperless post invitations and RSVP so we can provide them an accurate headcount.

President Mireur announced winners of the Christmas Light Competition:

2314 Gentry & 442 Ridgewood Rd Tie for Winner
2810 Pickwick “Lifetime Achievement in Christmas Spirit Award”
2408 Rollingwood Drive “Kid’s Choice Award”
6 & 7 Inwood Ct “Most Spirited Street Award”

Winners have been notified and given a small gift from the RWC in recognition.

Roseann Ferraro is chairing the “Life is Good In the Wood” 5k which will be held Friday evening, April 22. She will be looking for volunteers in the coming weeks. The first meeting will be Tuesday, Feb 9 at 7:30pm at Los Palomas. She noted the need for sponsors of all kinds, but is looking particularly neighborhood owned or affiliated ones. Also, we will be using same course as previous years but running it in reverse.

Finally, Programs Coordinator Catherine Scott announced that RWC member and Rollingwood Alderwomen Amy Pattillo is running to fill a vacant spot on the CTMRA board. Catherine directed people to email from Wendi Hundley and a message on Nextdoor for more information on how to support Amy’s candidacy.

Meeting was adjourned.

Minutes submitted by Secretary Kelly Dixon

Minutes approved by President Marissa Mireur

RWC Meeting November 17, 2015

RWC Meeting November 17, 2015
Annual Philanthropic Meeting Featuring Lindsay Contreras from SAFE Austin and Voting on Disbursement of Funds

At the home of Stacey Shapiro at 3809 Pickwick Lane.

Catherine Scott called the meeting to order. The notes from last meeting are available on the website. The next meeting will be the annual Christmas Party at the home of Kathleen Shapiro's home at 2806 Hatley Drive on Tuesday, December 1.

Wendi Hundley updated members about CTMRA and the Mopac Expansion and asked for volunteers to collect signatures ahead of the November 20 Public Comment Deadline. She directed members to for more information.  

Catherine Scott introduced Lindsay Contreras from SAFE Austin, which is a recent merger between Safe Place and Austin Children’s Shelter. This year RWC donated toiletries for children staying at the Kelly White Emergency Shelter which serves youths ages 12-22.

President Marissa Mireur noted that Marnie Fitzgerald had volunteered to be Hospitality Chair this year but her position on the board needed to be voted on.  Marissa made a motion to confirm her seat on the board. Kelly Dixon seconded. All in favored. Measure passes. Marnie noted that anyone who wants to bring food to meetings can bring them, but no official plan for members to refreshments is made.

Treasurer Nicole Julian reported $24,120.59 in our savings account. Following standard procedure, RWC will keep $7,000 in the bank as a buffer, which makes $17,120.59 available for disbursement.

Marissa reads mission statement to remind members of the mission of RWC and then re-reads summaries of the 7 proposals on the table:

1. $12,000 for the replacement of a pergola behind City Hall that has previously been torn down.

2.  The Parks and Recreation Commission asked for $8,000 to replace a retaining wall behind City Hall measuring 150ft by 3ft. Four bids have been received on each project.

3. Replacement of a dying Mexican Plum Tree between the Pool and fields with a piece of sculpture. The Commission asks for $10,000. 

4. Replacement of the fitness equipment near the upper playground, which would cost between $9-11,000.

5. The Commission noted the need for a park bench near the upper park. They recommended RWC donate one at a cost of $1,100, which was rejected.

6. The City Council asks $1,000 for a Rollingwood Police Department Appreciation Day, perhaps featuring lunch and commendations.

7. The President spoke on behalf of the City, who has requested funds to replace the City’s uncomfortable folding chairs. A total of 30 chairs are needed to replace the 28 current ones. Replacement will cost between $1,500-3,000.

Proposals 3 and 4 were withdrawn because they hadn’t been proposed to city council yet.

Flo Macklin stated her preference for Proposal 2, which will repair the retention wall behind City Hall that is eroding. She believes it save all Rollingwood tax-payers money. Several members including Wendi Hundley and Roxanne McKee noted that much of the City’s budget this year will be spent repairing the rock wall near the lower playground that has been subject to much erosion after the late summer rains. Two estimates have been received for $140,000 and $190,000.

Members decided that the pergola in Proposal 1 is a want, but fixing the retaining wall near city hall in Proposal 2 is a need. Because the playground wall repair is such a large project, it will eat up much of the City’s budget. Therefore, RWC will table Proposal 1 until next year.

Flo Macklin makes a motion to approve Proposal 7 to spend $3,000 to purchase folding chairs for City Hall and Shanthi Jayakumar seconds it. Marnie Fitzgerald makes a motion to amend the motion to limit budget for the chairs to $2,000. Leah Paulo seconds it.  Twenty-one are in favor of the amendment. New motion is made to limit spending up to $2,000 on chairs with members in 23 in favor 2 opposed. Motion passes and RWC will spend $2,000 on new chairs for City Hall.

Up next is Proposal 6 which is Law Enforcement Appreciation Day. Becky Combes makes a motion, Flo Macklin seconds. Christi Savarece notes that RWC might expected to do it every year, but the motion passes.

Shanthi Jaykumar makes a in favor of Proposal 2 Roxanne McKee seconds it. Twenty members are in favor of the motion with 2 opposed and several abstaining. Motion passes.  In total, members voted to donate $11,000, leaving $13,120.59 in the account.

The meeting is adjourned.

Minutes Submitted by Kelly Dixon

Approved by Marissa Mireur