RWC Meeting
November 15, 2016
At the Home of Aimee Petty at 2606 Pickwick
President Marissa Mireur called the meeting to order. Thirty-five members were present. She welcomed three new members Kim McManus on Pleasant Drive, Eliza Hansen on Park Hills and Jennifer DiGaetano on Los Lomas Drive.
At the start of the meeting, Nicole Julian, Treasurer reported $28,189.06 in our account. However, it is noted that $2,000 of the money has been set aside for last year’s disbursement for the new chairs at City Hall.
The Executive Director of the Jeremiah Program, Shannon Moody and Laura Bennet spoke about their new residence that is slated to open in the new year. The Jeremiah Program is open to low-income single moms with kids younger then 4 with no college degree that want pursue college degrees. The Program will provide affordable housing, educational support and high quality pre-school for 35 families. They noted that they were looking for volunteers to help with meal prep on Mondays and Wednesday and to help with babies during the resident’s bi-weekly empowerment class. Interested members can contact the Jeremiah Program.
Next up is the nomination of Leslie Gandy for Hospitality Chair. Marnie Fitzgerald seconds. The motion passes.
Membership Chair Bunny Michele reported that RWC has 95 paid members. Marissa congratulates RWC member Roxanne McKee on her new position as Rollingwood mayor.
Next on the agenda is voting on the disbursement of funds. Marissa reminds applicants to bring their requests ahead of time next year so members have time to get familiar with the asks. Also, this year there will be no more earmarked items; all proposals must to be able to be completed by June 30th or the funds will return to the RWC’s account. Marissa also requests a white board for next year to keep track of everything. In old business, Leah Paulo will be spearheading Little Library at the park that we allocated $500 for in the 2015 and dedicating it in honor of Joyce Howell. We also will keep $5,000 in the bank for operating expenses which leaves us with around $21,000 to disburse.
Becky Combes thanked RWC on behalf of the garden for gifts in the past.
- Shanthi Jayakumar asks for $1,000 to upgrade our 10 year old PA system, Heidi Smith seconds the motion. Motion passes.
- Toni Hudson asked for $750 for bike racks for the parks. However, there is interest in larger and more unique bike racks. Flo Macklin has made a motion to approve up to $3,000 for the bike racks and recycling can $1,402.60 for Rollingwood Park. Lawton Cummings seconds. Motion passes.
- Robin at City Hall asks through Marissa for $3,000 to paint City Hall’s interior. Its noted that it inside has not been painted since 1975. She also asks for an additional $1,000 for more chairs on top of the $3,000 from last year’s allocation. Toni Hudson makes a motion to allocate funds and Sara Hutson seconds it, but the motion does not pass.
- Shanthi Jayakumar on behalf of Sandra Farrell asks for edging and new mulch around the fitness equipment. Estimates to complete the project range from $3,000-$5,000. No motion is made.
- Mayor Roxanne McKee updates members about construction on the cliff face over the lower park, which has been closed after loose boulders fell near the toddler playscape. She tells members that the cliff is on a fault line and that due to water run off from from the park and the baseball fields that pieces are breaking off. Currently, a construction crew is out putting a 100 retaining wall on the cliff face, which is costing the city $91,000. This 100ft wall does not include area behind swings and pavilion, and the city wants to extend project another 15ft. Mayor McKee asks members for the $16,000 to extend the wall to 120ft to go behind the swings and pavilion. Flo Macklin makes a motion to allocated $16,000 for the retaining wall and Joan Parker seconds it. Motion passes with the caveat that RCDC may reimburse RWC for the funds in February.
- Wendi Hundley updated members on the Master Park Plan from Park Commission, which has not been updated since 2003. The Park Commission is compiling an inventory and wish list for the park and has had a meeting with WHAC board, the Little League Board that uses the baseball fields as well as other stake holders. There will be a community meeting in February, following a neighborhood survey in January. Issues on the table include irrigation and erosion control for upper park, invasive species removal and dead trees, getting ADA accreditation for the playgrounds, water feature, more trees in upper park. They also hope to increase parking space as well as adding art to the park. There are no asks this year, but she let members know to look out for BIG asks in 2017.
Minutes Submitted by Kelly Dixon
Minutes Approved by Marissa Mireur