Rollingwood Women’s Club Meeting
Feb 28, 2017
At the home of Emily Seiders at 2700 Pickwick Lane
Marissa Mireur called the meeting to order and introduced Jeffery Casey owner of Handycheck Home Maintenance, which he comes by a clients home regularly and checks lights, filters, plumbing and appliances. He encouraged members to think about fire safety and have a plan in place. He also recommended having a home’s a/c checked seasonally.
Marissa then welcomed new members Allegra Fritos and Kate Ford.
She then introduced Omiara Brightman and Tomoko Hall for 5k on April 28th. The 5k is looking for two people to co-chair July Fourth with Krista Dillard under Roseann Ferraro. The said there were decisions for members to make, such as if we wanted a live band at the finish line or a playlist. They’re also looking for fun children’s activities. P Terry’s is coming back as well as Amy’s in addition to Pinkberry. There will be a VolunteerSpot coming out soon for race volunteers, and those interested can email Kelly Dixon They also asked if we wanted to repeat family sponsorship of the race like we did last year. Previously, RWC used and raised $1000 with family sponsorships.
Toni Hudson spoke about Its My Park Day, which will be March 4th, at 10am where residents will be planting bluebonnets in playscape area and mulching trees in lower park. There will be refreshments.
Marissa reminded members that we hadn't spent the $16,000 on the wall thanks to the RCDC (Rollingwood Community Development Committee). It is now 145 feet long. Currently, there is around $27,000 in the bank. Excluding the $5,000 we leave in bank for emergencies, we now have $22,000 to spend. Roseann Ferraro added that we already have $7,000 in sponsorships from the from 5k already committed. Robyn from City Hall has already requested $3,300 to paint City Hall. She’s asked members to have proposals organized and ready for the next meeting. Preferably, submitted to the board ahead of time so we can give members some time to look over them.
Mayor McKee updated members on the chairs we ordered for City Hall last year and said they look great and thanked RWC again. Catherine Scott asked Toni about master plan for the park, who reminded members that the Parks Commission has been working on it for over a year. She directed members to do the survey on survey monkey. The next community meeting is in March 23rd. She noted that lower play scapes are not ADA accessible and that is something that the Parks Commission would like to address.
Next meeting is March 28th at Wendi Hundley’s house at 2502 Bettis Blvd.
Minutes Submitted by Secretary Kelly Dixon
Approved by Marissa Mireur