November 2013 Rollingwood Women’s Club Minutes
Meeting Date/Time: Tue November 26, 2013 / 7pm
Location: Home of Alison Queralt, RWC President
The RWC met at Alison’s at 7pm to wrap pajama’s to donate to several local charities for the holidays. After pajama’s were wrapped a meeting was held to vote on the yearly donation for the city.
New members were announced.
Secretary was absent so no minutes from the Oct meeting were read.
Treasurers report- $20,187.69 (before tonight’s donation)
Dec 11th- RWC Tour of Capital & tree with Mr Welsh. Email will go out with more details.
Jan Mtg- Private tour of the Thinkery at Mueller.
Nextdoor website for neighborhood was discussed. If you are not on it & would like to be, please contact Leah Paulo.
Call for volunteers to put together holiday baskets for city employees. $400 RWC budget given for these (approx. $30 per basket). Several members volunteered. The baskets will be presented during the employee holiday lunch.
Amy Rung & Catherine Scott will judge the holiday lights contest this year. Winners will be announced at the RWC holiday party on Dec 10th.
Marnie Fitzgerald, Alison Queralt & some other members volunteered to hand out RWC Holiday Party invites to our bordering neighbors not in the City of RW. (Brady, Sugar Shack, Sugar Creek, N Peak & some of Ridgewood and RW Dr)
A new RWC sign is being made to post in the park on the day of RWC meetings. It will be similar to the RW Community Garden sign.
Jackie Bob is installing RWC shelving for storage in the garage at City Hall.
RWC Bylaws & Procedures are in the process of being updated and put into google docs.
Christi Savarese suggested RWC reach out to our elderly neighbors and/or neighbors in need. A few members volunteered to make a list of neighbors who may like some assistance during the holidays.
Discussion of New Resident Welcoming Committee was discussed. Marnie Fitzgerald said she is already welcoming new residents. Kristin has been notifying her when someone new sets up utilities. Marnie takes the new resident a RWC welcome package including a directory & RWC schedule.
RWC- 2013 DONATION Requests
Roni Koltuniak requested on behave of RWCEG:
$750-trees for a Food Forest around the trail near garden
$200- deer protection for new trees
$500- planting labor
$1000- signs for chimney swift habitat & bat house
$300- bat house install
$1000- repair/rebuild 3 plant beds in community garden
$3750 TOTAL
RW Park Commission requested:
$5000 donation to the Waterwise Educational Garden in front of City Hall.
$4000 donation to cover the cost of the limestone bench area in front of City Hall.
$3000 for artwork to be placed on front of kiosk at park.
Robin at City Hall requested:
$100 for a “City Council Meeting held tonight” sign. She wants to increase attendance at city council meetings by posting the sign in the park on Rollingwood Dr.
1)Becky made a motion to approve a $3750 to RWECG for the above items. Leah seconded. Flo opposed. Donation passed.
2)Flo made a motion to approve a $5000 donation to the Park Commission for the Waterwise Educational Garden. Catherine Scott seconded. Marnie opposed. Donation passed.
3)Joanne P. made a motion to approve a donation for $100 for a City Council sign. Marnie seconded. Donation approved.
*RWC decided as a group not to donate the $4000 for the limestone bench or the $3000 for the art work.
TOTAL 2013 RWC Donations approved = $8850
Meeting adjourned.
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