9/26/17 “Wine and Cheese Meeting” at Leah Alberti’s HomeAt the Wine & Cheese meeting, the new president, Kelly Dixon, called the meeting to order at 7:50pm on Sept. 26, 2017. Seventy-five members were present.Kelly welcomed all and gave a big thank you to Leah Alberti for hosting this event and to Trader Joes for providing all the food.The new Treasurer, Debbie Dillon, gave the treasurers report. She requested that any outstanding receipts from the July 4th event be closed out with Kelly Dixon or Debbie Dillon asap.Sign up sheets for 4th of July and 5K were discussed due to the need for volunteers. People were able to sign up if interested.A new neighborhood directory was discussed using survey monkey. Membership Chair, Lawton Cummings is spear heading this project up and it out for everyone to fill out online. Here is a link to the survey so that you can fill it out at home: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/NJ5XTGD If one does not use a computer, she also left the forms out in paper there for people to fill out. She cautioned everyone to only fill out the fields they want to give in the directory and to leave out what parts they do not want included. Additionally, Becky Kittleman suggested putting in the back of directory odd jobs available. Another member suggested to support “Buy Local Buy Rollingwood.” In back of Directory we could add a Rollingwood Businesses section for local members to advertise in.Holiday baskets for Rollingwood employees was discussed. Catherine Scott made a motion to move forward with spending 500$ on the baskets it and Marissa Mireur passed it therefore motion is passed.Bike Safety Day was discussed, hosted by City Hall. RWC would agreed to provide breakfast tacos/coffee and it would be held sometime in November. It would be a free event and a great way to teach your kids about bike safety.Kelly Dixon discussed the need for a historian backup to shadow Shanti Jayakumar. All interested could talk to Kelly Dixon or Shanti Jayakumar.RWC board proposed two new positions to the board- Events Coordinator- primary for 5k and 4th July to be a liaison, between the RWC and the city, for large events. The other position would be a Development chair- someone to spearhead fundraising and sponsorship. Both positions would be initially appointed and by 2nd year would be a full board position. More specifics to come at the next meeting.Kate Ford at 4803 Timberline will be hosting the next meeting on Oct. 24th.Lastly introductions were made for the new board members:President- Kelly DixonMembership- Lawton CummingsProgram Director- Heidi SmithTreasurer- Debbie DillonSecretary- Tami EssonHospitality- Leslie GandyHistorian- Shanthi JayakumarParliamentarian- Melissa MorrowLastly, Omiara Brightman announced that on Saturday morning there will be a preschool get together at Rollingwood Park as an opportunity for families/ neighbors to get to know one another.
Approved by Kelly Dixon- President
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