Sunday, November 1, 2015

RWC Meeting October 27, 2015, 7:00pm

RWC Meeting October 27, 2015, 7:00pm
Who’s Who of Rollingwood and Request for Funding

At the Home of Jeni Paul at 3214 Pickwick Lane.

President Marissa Mireur called the meeting to order. There were no notes from the previous meeting. The President reported $22,892.59 in the RWC bank account. The next meeting will be November 17 at the home of Stacy Shapiro of 3209 Pickwick Lane. RWC members will vote on the requests for funds presented at the October 27 meeting.  The President reminded the group that 15 members need to be present to constitute a quorum or the vote would be rescheduled.

Catherine Scott, Programs Chairperson, introduced the evening’s program. Who’s Who of Rollingwood.

Marie Saba shared her 2008 cookbook Cooking with Marie.  She also introduced her book Let’s Make Magic with Food, in which she creates food art for and with young children.  The book is published by Chatbooks and is $14. She directed members to her Instagram feed which is @mariesaba. She will be giving a cooking course at the March 2016 meeting.

Heather Jichi spoke about her start-up Bloom Toys and shared a toy prototype. Unsatisfied with construction system for girls, she created her own inspired by the fairy houses she made with her own daughters. The sets are available for preorder on and are scheduled to ship in time for Christmas.

Wendi Hundtly updated members on the Mopac expansion project. Lively discussion followed, and she directed members to a, which is a group operated by fellow Rollingwood women. She encouraged members to comment on the virtual open house that is being held at The public has 30 days starting from Oct 21 to comment. Wendi noted that option #5 is the preferred option that would negatively impact Rollingwood the least.  

Linda Barstow and her husband started the charitable group Empact Africa (, which primarily addresses AIDS treatment. She has started her own campaign to promote beekeeping in a small city in Zimbabwe. She is on

Next, the members took request for funds. Toni Hudson and Wendi Hundtly represented the Parks and Recreation Commission. First, the Parks & Recreation asked for $12,000 for the replacement of a pergola behind City Hall that has previously been torn down. Secondly, the Parks and Recreation Commission asked for $8,000 to replace a retaining wall behind City Hall measuring 150ft by 3ft. This makes a total of $20k in requests for City Hall improvements. Toni noted that already four bids have been received on each project. A member asked why the City couldn’t use their own resources for the repairs. Toni replied the City is currently spending funds on improving the bridge on Edgegrove Dr. and on the crumbling rock wall over the lower park. The third request was to replace a dying Mexican Plum Tree between the Pool and fields with some sculpture. She estimated this would require $10,000.  Wendi proposed improving the fitness equipment near the playground, which would cost between $9-11,000. Toni noted that there was a need for a bench on the park and recommended RWC donate one which would be $1,100. Lastly, both noted that the Park Commission has vacancies and are looking for members.

Roxanne McKee spoke on behalf of Rollingwood City Council and asked for $1,000 for a Rollingwood Police Department Appreciation Day, perhaps featuring lunch and commendations. She commended the police for their success in managing ACL and assistance to the community after recent floods

The President spoke on behalf of the City, who has requested funds to replace the City’s uncomfortable folding chairs. A total of 30 chairs are needed to replace the 28 current ones. Replacement will cost between $1,500-3,000.

Leah Paulo and the President updated members on the Little Library that funds were released for last year. City Council approved the placement of the Little Library near the lower park, but asked members if someone would be willing to organize it.

The Meeting was adjourned.

Minutes Submitted by Kelly Dixon
Minutes Approved by Marissa Mireur

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