Friday, November 6, 2015

Summary of Proposals for Requests for Funds

Summary of Proposals for Requests for Funds
November, 2015

There are seven proposals on the table. These proposals will be voted on at the November 17th meeting at the home of Stacy Shapiro at 3209 Pickwick Lane. According to our by laws, there need to be 15 RWC members present to make a quorum.

Asks from Toni Hudson and Wendy Hundtly from the Parks & Recreation Commission:

1. $12,000 for the replacement of a pergola behind City Hall that has previously been torn down.

2.  The Parks and Recreation Commission asked for $8,000 to replace a retaining wall behind City Hall measuring 150ft by 3ft. Four bids have been received on each project. In total, the Parks & Recreation Commission asks a total of $20,000 to improve City Hall.

3. Replacement of a dying Mexican Plum Tree between the Pool and fields with a piece of sculpture. The Commission asks for $10,000. 

4. Replacement of the fitness equipment near the upper playground, which would cost between $9-11,000.

5. The Commission noted the need for a park bench near the upper park. They recommended RWC donate one at a cost of $1,100.

Asks from Roxanne McKee on behalf of the Rollingwood City Council:

6. The City Council asks $1,000 for a Rollingwood Police Department Appreciation Day, perhaps featuring lunch and commendations.

Asks from City Hall delivered by Marissa Mireur:

7. The President spoke on behalf of the City, who has requested funds to replace the City’s uncomfortable folding chairs. A total of 30 chairs are needed to replace the 28 current ones. Replacement will cost between $1,500-3,000.

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