Sunday, November 5, 2017

Minutes from the RWC meeting at Kate Fords House- 10/24/17

RWC meeting at Kate Fords House- 10/24/17

Meeting called to order at 7:22pm by Kelly Dixon. Kelly thanked Kate Ford for hosting tonight. Thirty-five people were present. Kelly reminded everyone to please say their names when talking so the Secretary, Tami Esson could get to know everyone better for note taking.  

Kelly introduced Jaime Medina, president of the Rollingwood Neighborhood Association (RNA). Jaime said that that RNA is in the process of closing itself down and letting RWC absorb it since they were a smaller neighborhood organization and RWC overlapped with certain events in the past. If everyone is ok with it then we will make a final ok next month. RNA would write a check and donate remaining funds to the RWC. RNA runs the EGGstravaganza, which is a big spring event, therefore, RWC would need to find people to run this event in the upcoming years. RNA will present the vote at the November meeting. Jaime said that RNA would donate the remaining $3500 to RWC which would get RWC through the costs of the first 3 years of the EGGstravaganza event and then we would need to raise money for it after that.  Kelly asked members to form a committee to explore the best way to absorb the RNA and Catherine Scott volunteered. 

Next Kelly introduced our guest speaker Sarah Gilster, who works with Rollingwood resident, Elaina Dodd, at Beauty-Counter. Then Heidi Marquez briefly jumped in to add a few more details about the guest speaker. She introduced the ladies and said that as big supporters of philanthropic organizations, tonight all proceeds would go to Pop-Up Birthday. Heidi said Sarah is highly motivated, been in Austin for 17 years, and is grateful to have her come speak tonight. She is a supporter of this company because it’s a healthy alternative to most cosmetic products on the market. She discussed the toxicity in most cosmetics used on both men and women, from shampoo, to body lotion, to lipsticks. She recommended members look up the Environmental Working Group (EWG) page and check the safety of cosmetics and personal products for use. Exercise caution around the word “fragrance” because companies can sneak lots of chemicals into this category and it is not regulated nearly as it should be. Sarah said if you have plastics in your kitchen get rid of them- leaches estrogen and most importantly do not heat any food in them. She recommended getting rid of plastic shower curtains because your pores are open and in the steam chemicals leach into your body. She ended with members can do holiday shopping and purchase cosmetics from her afterward and reminded members that all profits from today go to Pop Up Birthday.

Kelly introduced Debbie Dillon to give the treasury report. Debbie said we have over 31K in RWC account. She asked everyone to please bring project ideas to her so that RWC can potentially allocate money to them. Kelly reminded those interested to do a workable proposal and that any approved project must be completed by June or the allotted money will go back into the RWC account.  

Kelly then made a few more announcements about two new board positions that we will be voting on next month: Special Events Coordinator -which oversees large events like 5k, possibly the EGGstravaganza, and 4th of July. She also described the new position called Financial Development Chair, who would be in charge of managing donations, spreadsheets, thank you notes, and distribution of tax forms. She said both positions would be appointed for the first year and second year will be part of the board. Kelly then thanked Mary Garwood, who graciously donated her house for RWC holiday party on Friday, Dec 3. 

Kelly said she needs someone to head up the city employees gift basket project. $500 is allotted for eighteen city employees. Diane Dillard volunteered to do this. Kelly is looking for volunteers to ride around and judge neighborhood holiday lights. Heidi Marquez and Debbie Dillon volunteered to judge this year. Lastly, Kelly told members that the City-sponsored Bike Clinic will be rescheduled for the upcoming year. She also asked people to please consider volunteering to help chair the 4th of July, 5K and Eggstravaganza events. 

Kelly asked Membership Chair, Lawton Cummings to speak about the directory.  Lawton discussed the workings of the Directory and reminded members to go to Survey Monkey to fill it out if they would like their contact info listed in the directory. Kelly reminded the group that this hasn’t been done in 4 years so it is great that Lawton is doing this!

Kelly thanked Marnie Fitzgerald, who offered to put together a new website for RWC, where people can go to one website and see the minutes, dues, photos etc for RWC. 

Kelly introduced Toni Hudson, from the Parks Commission. Toni announced that “Its My Park Day” is coming up, 4th of November rain or shine 11-3pm and invited families to come and help out with things like putting mulch around trees. Lea Grisimer said she went last time as a new member of the community and her daughter and she had so much fun! Toni said there are lots of things they want to add to the park. They are welcome to suggestions to things that can be added or changed from the park as well. Toni also said there will be a workshop where they discuss the Master Plan for the Parks with the residents. Examples of topics are that they are looking to find ways to make the park more usable and safer to gain access to. Another big issue is preventing erosion and runoff that happens in the neighborhood. Park Commission meets the 1st Tuesday of the month in case anyone wants to come and get involved. 

Next, Kelly introduced Julia Webber to speak to the community. She was representing Eanes ISD as a Trustee and wanted to talk to people about the upcoming TRE vote. She explained the importance of this vote to members and encouraged all to vote. 

Kelly continued on that the next meeting is the disbursement of funds and charity giving. This year RWC will support Pop-Up Birthday. Marissa Mireur, who is on the board, was introduced and updated members on Pop-Up’s founding and mission, which supplies everything one could need for throwing a birthday party for foster kids- i.e. plates, napkins, banners, etc. Additionally, a gift to read, a gift to wear, and a gift of whatever the birthday child asks for, is provided in the box. Every Wednesday they welcome people to come wrap gifts from 10-2pm at their offices at Shepard of the Hills Church. She encouraged members to bring $25 gift cards to Target, HEB, or Randalls, plain wrapping paper and 58-quart clear storage bins. Marissa also said that the charity will take all your Halloween candy or leftover party decorations so please send it to them if applicable. Marissa said the charity is now looking for parties for older kids now- so if anyone has contacts or ideas of where they can go for to host parties for older kids, please let them know. Lastly, Marissa reviewed their Mission Statement: To celebrate children in foster care, one box at a time. 

To finish off, Becky Combs announced that on Nov 2nd Rollingwood Police Chief Dwayne Pryor retiring. Max Westbrook will be interim chief. Sara Hutson said there may be a party but it’s not yet announced. 

Kelly ended the meeting at 8:27pm- and thanked Kate Ford again for hosting and suggested members go buy some products to support Pop Up Birthday!


Submitted by: Tami Esson

Approved by: Kelly Dixon

Next RWC meeting 11/14 Tue 7 PM · Missy Parish's house at 4812 Timberline

Please take note of the change in location for our upcoming RWC event.  Looking forward to seeing you all there! Additionally, here is info is some info regarding Pop-Up Birthday, that we are super excited to share with you at the next meeting. 

DATE: November 14th WHAT: RWC Donation Drive!

CHARITY: Pop-Birthday
This local non-profit run by RW neighbor, Laila Scott, celebrates foster children in our community with a personalized birthday box. Currently providing 100+ celebrations each month!

HEB, Walmart or Target Gift Cards 58 Quart Clear Storage Bin Solid-colored Wrapping Paper

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Two Proposed RWC Board Positions

The below positions will be formally proposed at the October 24th meeting and voted on on the November meeting. 

Special Events Coordinator. Board Position. This position would be the primary contact between the City and individual event chairs. She would be responsible for logistics of major RWC events (5k, Egg Hunt (possibly), Fourth of July) including getting permits, maintaining equipment for events and managing storage space in the garage. Event chairs would still oversee the individual events, but the Special Events Coordinator would support them. The first year of this position would be by appointment from the board, but will be subject to the regular voting rules in 2018. Would work in conjunction with the proposed Financial Development Chair.

Financial Development Chair. Board Position. This position would manage asks, sponsorships and prize donations for major RWC fund raisers. She would be responsible for recruiting and managing subordinate fundraisers, as well as see that thank-you notes and pertinent tax information was sent out to those who donated. The first year of this position would be by appointment from the board, but will be subject to the regular voting rules in 2018. Would work in conjunction with the proposed Special Events Coordinator.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Photos from the RWC meeting 9/26 Wine and Cheese Event

Check out fun photos from our Wine and Cheese event on September 26th at the following link:

9/26/17 “Wine and Cheese Meeting” at Leah Alberti’s Home

9/26/17 “Wine and Cheese Meeting” at Leah Alberti’s Home

At the Wine & Cheese meeting, the new president, Kelly Dixon, called the meeting to order at 7:50pm on Sept. 26, 2017. Seventy-five members were present. 

Kelly welcomed all and gave a big thank you to Leah Alberti for hosting this event and to Trader Joes for providing all the food. 

The new Treasurer, Debbie Dillon, gave the treasurers report. She requested that any outstanding receipts from the July 4th event be closed out with Kelly Dixon or Debbie Dillon asap. 

Sign up sheets for 4th of July and 5K  were discussed due to the need for volunteers. People were able to sign up if interested.

A new neighborhood directory was discussed using survey monkey. Membership Chair, Lawton Cummings is spear heading this project up and it out for everyone to fill out online. Here is a link to the survey so that you can fill it out at home:
If one does not use a computer, she also left the forms out in paper there for people to fill out. She cautioned everyone to only fill out the fields they want to give in the directory and to leave out what parts they do not want included. Additionally, Becky Kittleman suggested putting in the back of directory odd jobs available. Another member suggested to support “Buy Local Buy Rollingwood.” In back of Directory we could add a Rollingwood Businesses section for local members to advertise in. 

Holiday baskets for Rollingwood employees was discussed. Catherine Scott made a motion to move forward with spending 500$ on the baskets it and Marissa Mireur passed it therefore motion is passed.

Bike Safety Day was discussed, hosted by City Hall. RWC would agreed to provide  breakfast tacos/coffee and it would be held sometime in November. It would be a free event and a great way to teach your kids about bike safety.

Kelly Dixon discussed the need for a historian backup to shadow Shanti Jayakumar. All interested could talk to Kelly Dixon or Shanti Jayakumar.

RWC board proposed two new positions to the board- Events Coordinator- primary for 5k and 4th July to be a liaison, between the RWC and the city, for large events. The other position would be a Development chair- someone to spearhead fundraising and sponsorship. Both positions would be initially appointed and by 2nd year would be a full board position. More specifics to come at the next meeting. 

Kate Ford at 4803 Timberline will be hosting the next meeting on Oct. 24th

Lastly introductions were made for the new board members:

President- Kelly Dixon
Membership- Lawton Cummings
Program Director- Heidi Smith
Treasurer- Debbie Dillon
Secretary- Tami Esson
Hospitality- Leslie Gandy
Historian- Shanthi Jayakumar
Parliamentarian- Melissa Morrow

Lastly, Omiara Brightman  announced that on Saturday morning there will be a preschool get together at Rollingwood Park as an opportunity for families/ neighbors to get to know one another.
            Approved by Kelly Dixon- President

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

2017-2018 RW Directory Project

The RWC is compiling a directory for the RW neighborhood. Please click on the attached link to add your family's info. More details to follow at the RWC Wine and Cheese meeting on September 26th at Leah Alberti's house (2407 Vance Lane)

Rollingwood Women’s Club Program 2017-2018

Rollingwood Women’s Club Program 2017-2018

Tuesday, September 26          Leah Alberti                2407 Vance Lane        
Tuesday, October 24               Kate Ford                    4830 Timberline         
Tuesday, November 14           TBD                             
Friday, December 1                Missy Parish                4812 Timberline Trail
Tuesday, January 23, 2018     City Hall                       403 Nixon Drive
Tuesday, February 27, 2018    Jenny Hill                     3302 Park Hills Drive
Tuesday, March 27                 Jaime Medina                3213 Gentry Drive 
Tuesday, April 24, 2018          Catherine Scott           303 Farley Trail
Monday, May 14, 2018           Rollingwood Pool        4801 Rollingwood Drive

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Rollingwood Women's Club Meeting from May 15, 2017

Rollingwood Women’s Club Meeting 
May 15, 2017 
At Rollingwood Pool

President Marissa Mireur called the meeting to order. There were 50 members present.  First, she thanked the outgoing board members then new board members were elected. Bunny Michel made a motion to nominate Kelly Dixon president, Omira Brightman seconded. 

Marissa makes a motion to make Lawton Cummings Membership Chair and Becky Kittleman 
seconds it. 

Marissa makes a motion to nominate Debbie Dillion treasurer and Bunny Michel seconds it.

Marissa makes a motion to nominate Heidi Smith Programs Chair and Bunny Michel seconds it. 

Marissa makes a motion to nominate Tami Esson as Secretary and Bunny Michel seconds it. 

Marissa reiterates that Historian Shanthi Jayakumar is looking for a replacement and asked members to think of the right member.  This includes club photographer. Marnie Fitzgerald volunteers to be Club Photographer.

The temporary board position of Special Events Chair is still outstanding and is up to new board members to form in the next year.

Leslie Gandy will stay on as Hospitality Chair. 

The next meeting is the Wine and Cheese in September. Meeting is dismissed. 

Minutes Submitted by Kelly Dixon

Approved by Marissa Mireur  

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Monday, May 15, 2017

Rollingwood Women’s Club Meeting April 25, 2017

Rollingwood Women’s Club Meeting 
April 25, 2017 
At the home of Ellen Smitheal at 4823 Timberline Drive

President Marissa Mireur called the meeting to order. Twenty-five members were present.  Audrey Raucher from Loyal Closet spoke about her styling business. More about her business at

Roseann Ferraro updated us about the state of the Rollingwood “Life is Good in the Wood” 5k which will take place on Friday, April 28. We are still looking for volunteers.

Mayor Roxanne McKee Texas told members about a free program presented by the Texas Department of Transportation about children’s bicycle safety that will take place at City Hall on Saturday, May 13th. There will be two time slots available, the first at 9am and the second at 9:30. There will be room for 15 kids at each time. There will be an obstacle course set up in the lower city hall lower parking lot. Bring a bike. 

Historian Shanthi Jayakumar announced that on April 18 Rollingwood was named the best suburb in Texas by a national magazine, and was ranked in the top 20 suburbs in the country. She reminded members of what has made Rollingwood so great in the past was our volunteerism. She noted that all positions in city government, planning, parks commission and the Neighborhood Association are volunteer spots, and encouraged members present to remind their neighbors of this. 

Jamie Medina, President of the Rollingwood Neighbors Association (RNA) announced that the RNA plans to close down. The same four people have been on the board for several years. She noted that RNA has been responsible for the Egg Roll, bounce house sponsorship for National Night Out and a $100 donation to the Police Appreciation Dinner.  She then proposed that the RNA duties be absorbed by the RWC.

There was some discussion about how to increase membership to new residents. Hospitality Chair, Leslie Gandy proposed a social mixer, perhaps in affiliation with the Rollingwood Gentlemen’s Club (RWGC),  to increase community involvement. A member suggested using the Zilker Club House. Roseann Ferraro floated coordinating events between different neighborhood groups like Rollingwood Community Development Committee (RCDC) RGC and Parks Commission. 

Marissa then announced that after three years, she is stepping down as president at the end of her term. A request went out for a new president. Other spots will be vacated as well. Heidi Smith volunteered to do programs. RWC will be looking for a new Treasurer, Events Chair and President. Parliamentarian Melissa Morrow and Shanthi will stay on as Historian, but wants to find someone to shadow her over the next year. Lawton Cummings volunteered to take over Membership Chair. Leslie Gandy will stay on as Hospitality Chair.

Judy Marks asked for a new directory. Members showed their support, but it was noted that getting a directory published will require getting permission from each resident to publish their info. 

Flo Macklin reminded members that there used to be a New Resident Welcome Committee that would welcome new residents when people had their water connected. The welcome packet would contain a neighborhood directory as well as lists of grocery stores and places of worship. This recommendation was received well. 

There was discussion about the 4th of July Parade and Party, and some members recommended having the a raffle on line. Currently, there is a chair for the parade, Cody Washburn but RWC is still looking for a raffle chair. Shanthi noted that the raffle used to be RWC’s primary means of raising money before the 5k. 

Next meeting will be pool party at May 15th, Monday. 

Minutes submitted by Kelly Dixon

Approved by Marissa Miraur 

Rollingwood Women’s Club Meeting March 28, 2017

Rollingwood Women’s Club Meeting
March 28, 2017 
At the home of Wendi Hundley at 2502 Bettis Drive

President Marissa Mireur called the meeting to order. The Treasurer’s report says we have $22,000 in the bank. The speaker was Marlene Merrick from Brookdale Senior Living. She spoke about the importance of avoiding inflammation in all ages. Inflammation has been proven to lead to insulin resistance, which can lead to Alzheimer’s.  

Flo Macklin makes a motion to to paint the interior of City Hall for $3,300. Lawton Cummings seconds it. The motion passes. 

Lawton Cummings, who is chairing the Spring Egg Hunt on behalf of the Rollingwood Neighborhood Association, asked for donations for the hunt to be dropped off at her place. 

Wendi Huntley updated members about the Parks Commission projects. Priorities are erosion control, irrigation and installing new working water fountain. The water fountain is estimated to cost $4,500. 

Plans for the lower playground include updating the playground equipment to be ADA compliant, updating the ground cover, new swings and exercise equipment. The Commission is also looking into improving trees and other plant life and perhaps adding sculpture to the park. 

The next meeting will be April 25th at the home of Ellen Smitheal at 2823 Timberline Drive. 

Minutes submitted by Kelly Dixon

Approved by Marissa Mireur 

Monday, May 1, 2017

Life is Good in the Wood 5k 2017 Wrap Up

The 2017 Life is Good in the Wood 5K took place this past Friday in the heart of Rollingwood and was a huge success in both celebrating our community and raising money for our parks and public spaces. 
Thank you to everyone who ran, walked, sponsored, donated prizes or volunteered. This was our thirteenth annual Life is Good in the Wood 5K and the entire event is, and has always been, 100% volunteer run and we could not pull it off without the dedicated support and participation of our community. event photographers were on-site again this year and captured all of the action from the race start to the post-event festivities. We hope you enjoy all of these images.  They truly capture the spirit of our event and neighborhood!

Here is a link to the album: