Friday, February 6, 2015

RWC Meeting Minutes, January 28, 2015

RWC Meeting Minutes, January 28, 2015, 7:00pm
Tessa Halstead of Chocolateire Tessa presented

At the home of Nicole Julian at 2005 Jefferies Place.

The president, Marissa Miruer called the meeting to order and summarized the previous meeting’s minutes.

Treasurer was absent so not financial notes were read. 

Leah introduced our speaker Tessa Halstead of Chocolaterie Tessa, which is located at 7425 Burnet Road. Her father was a chocolatier and she makes corporate gifts, weddings and party favors. Samples of her delicious Madagascarian and Ecuadorian chocolates were enjoyed by all.

First item on the agenda was voting on November’s minutes. Bunny Michel makes a motion to approve the minutes and Marie Timmerman seconds. The motion passes.

Announcements: Leah Paulo announces the next meeting at Thinkery meeting at Feb 24th at 1830 Simond Ave. A host for March 24th and April 21st meeting is needed. If none is found, the meetings will be held at City Hall.

Roseann Ferraro was announced as 5k Chair, which will be held Friday, April 17 at 6pm. Noting that entry fees hadn’t been raised in years, it was proposed RWC raise prices Adults from $25 to $30, kids $15 to $20. Shanti Jayakumar voiced the opinion that the rate shouldn’t be raised because RWC has plenty of money. No vote was called for. Roseann passed a sheet around to sign up looking especially for a website coordinator and help with sponsorship.

Catherine Hanrahan and Krista Dillard are co-chairing the annual Fourth of July Parade.

Next item on voting on Membership replacing Catherine Hanrahan with Bunny Michel. Christie Savarece makes a motion and Tamera Mellon seconds. Motion passes.

Open Issues: The third item was open issues, which was voting on motions that were proposed in the November meeting concerning the gift for City of Rollingwood, as well as reviewing research about the rubber playground surfaces. There had been discussion if a gift for the City Hall was an appropriate gift given the RWC mission statement (The Rollingwood Women’s Club was founded in 1958 to promote the welfare of residents, to encourage beautification of the city and to work with the mayor and the city council on projects benefiting the community.). Marissa Mireur reiterated the Treasurer, Marilyn Kounnas’s concern that should RWC be audited buying a gift for the City Hall could be perceived as a misuse of funds because City Hall is an office space and not a park, putting our tax-free 501c(3) status at risk.

The City requested two new doormats, one plain and one personalized with the Rollingwood seal on it and new blinds, totaling $2,195 plus $80 for shipping However, many members noted that two plain doormats could be purchased much less inexpensively. Marissa noted that we could change our mission statement to be more vague to avoid future conflict.  Leah Paulo makes a motion to buy the City two plain doormats totaling $325. Natasha Harris seconds. Judy Moore makes an amendment to increase amount to $2000 incase the exterior doormat needs to be of a different quality. Kathryn Turpin seconds it. Motion passes for $2000 for blinds and doormats including shipping and handling.

Next, Maria Abernathy and Natasha Harris presented their findings concerning the safeness of the rubber decking in the lower playground. Concerns had been raised in the previous meeting about its carcinogenetic properties, and if the rubber should be replaced with wood chippings at the cost of $5,000. Marissa noted that if we do not approve replacing the surface, RWC will still have $5000 left in the bank account which could be spent on a shade structure over the playground. Maria explained she only researched carcinogenetic properties of the surface, not which is safest for falls. She also emphasized that she avoided manufacturer’s pages and concentrated her research on governmental or non-profit organizations such as EPA, Consumer Reports, National Commission of Heath and the International Play Equipment Association. She could not find a credible link between cancer and the surface in her research. The speakers note the government has been pushing recycling used tires for playground decking for years.

Toni Hudson said Parks Commission replaced rubber in the past year and is not due to be replaced for the next three years, as it is on a four-year replacement schedule. There is no money in the budget in parks and rec for replacement, but would be willing to replace it if there was enough pressure and outside money allocated for it. Christie Savarece noted the fumes were strong on a hot day. Toni offered the upper level playground, which is new and has wood chip decking as an option for ages 2-12.

Both speakers were adamant that they were not making recommendations on the surface, but as the parents of small children, Natasha that she would not chose the surface again. Marissa asks for vote on replacing the rubber surface with wood chips. Shanthi makes a motion to keep the $5000 money in the bank and not replace the decking, Sara Hutson seconds it. Christie says nay.

New Business: Rollingwood Mayor, Tom Farrell requested that RWC to print more hats for sale for the 5k, as well as t-shirts. He also asked, through his wife, Sandra Farrell, if RWC would approve the auctioning off of street signs as a Fourth of July fundraiser. No objection was made.

Meeting adjourned at 8:36pm.

Minutes submitted by Kelly Dixon
Minutes approved by Marissa Mireur

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